CV: Per-René Larsen.
Born: 1949 in Copenhagen - Denmark.
1972- 75. The School of Art, Crafts and Industrial Design in Copenhagen, (Today: Royal Academy for fine Art). 1975 - 76.The Orrefors School of Glass
Professional experience:
Worked in different glass workshop in Sweden and Switzerland. Initiator and co-owner of Snoldelev Glassworks 1977- 84. - Established Fanefjord in 1984, and has run a produktion of functional glass for many jears. Nowerdays the workskop is mostly the space for the artist Per-René Larsen to produce fine art such as schulptural hot glass, mixed media and installations.
Exhibitions (among others):
2016 "glas & rariteter" Bredgade Kunsthandel, København - "Skulptur 2016, Intra & Extra”, Greve Museum, - "Gread Danes" Lommen BE.
2015 ”DG 15” Ebeltoft Glasmuseum, ”The Proces, IGP” Lommen BE, ”Skulptur 2015, Intra & Extra”, Greve Museum, ”Lidt lys imod det tiltagende mørke #4” Fanefjord Glas.
2014 ”Skulptur i bronze og glas” Hempels glasmuseum, ”Skulptur 2014, Intra & Extra”, Greve Museum, ”Autonome geometriske former” Fanefjord Glas, ”Kunstmaand Ameland” NL, ”Glasbowls” Gallery for aplayed arts BKV. München
2013: “A little light against the gathering darkness #3”, - ”Glasplastik und Garden”, Munster,(first price), - “Substans 2013”, Bredgades Kunsthandel, - “Geometrical Growth“ Fanefjord Glas Galleri, - “Skulpture 2013, Extra & Intra”, Portalen, & Greve Museum” DK
2012: “Schulpture 2012”, Greve Museum, - “Crossing Tracks”, Roskilde - “A little light against the gathering darkness #2” (Solo exhibition), light skulpture event in my own garden
2011: “A little light against the gathering darkness” (Solo exhibition), light skulpture event in my own garden - “Substans 2011”, Bredgade kunsthandel, Copenhagen - “Glass 2011” Lillehammer, Norge
2010: ”Status uden manual”, (Solo exhibition) Bredgades Kunsthandel. - ”Little helper in bombshelter” (Solo exhibition) COB15 comment at the museum for arts and crafts, Copenhagen.
2009: ”Lys over Lolland” Rødbyhavn, - ”Moderne Glaskunst”, Anneberg Samlingen
2008: ”GLASSS 07”, Holstebro Kunstmuseum og Kunstindustrimuseet, - 10.000m Glass, Dümitz,
2007: ”Biennalen” Kunstmuseet Trapholt, - ”Glass Kanazawa”, Japan, - ”Fluidies”, Chappel Gallery, New York, m. Pipaluc Lake,
2006: ”The Unknown Form”, Rohna, Wien, Rom og Bratislava, - Science and Art, Athen,
2005: “See the sun” Landart, Lolland-Falster-2005, - ”An echo of Light” (Solo exhibition) Glasmuseum Ebeltoft - “Lange nacht des Wissenchaften”, Rostock/Berlin,
2004: Collect, London - Bredgades Kunsthandel, København - ”Skulpturelt varmt glas” Møns Museum, Stege. (Solo exhibition) - Glasplastik und Garden, Munster - (3. preis) - ”Dansk Vår” Galleri Pictor, Sverige - ”Som en sitren i luften”, Marienlyst Slot. - Glass Kanazawa 2004, Japan (Honorable mention) - Glasrijk Tubbergen, Holland
2003: Huset I Asnæs – SOFA, Chicargo – Det Danske Kulturinstitut (Solo exhibition), Athen
2002: Kulturloftet (Solo exhibition) St. Heddinge. - ”Glas mellan himmel och hav” Karlshamn. - Kunstindustrimuseet København.
2001: Masnedøfortet 01 - ”Light festival”, Dümitz / Schwerin
2000: “Hulrum”,32 Northeuropean artist at Madsenedøfortet DK.- “Nordick Glass” ,- Gallery Grønlund (Solo exhibition),- Gallery Dragehøj.-
1999: "Actual Danish Glass Art" at The Museumsbuilding in Copenhagen, DK. - "Glass, Light, Water" at the Glass Museum in Ebeltoft.
1998: "Twenty Years' Glass", Næstved Museum. - Gallery Rasmus, Odense. - “Observations”,
1997: "Nordic Glass Artists", Denmark, Norway, Finland, Iceland. - Gallery Grønlund, Copenhagen. - "Glowing Art", The Palace, Roskilde.
1996: "Glass/Light", Malmö.- "Sculptural Glass", Helligåndshuset, Copenhagen.
"Duplica". Gammel Dok, Copenhagen.- "The First 10 Years", The Glass Museum, Æbeltoft.
1995: "Dansk Design Aktuel" at Sophienholm, Copenhagen.- Chelsea Crafts Fair, London.- Gallery Rasmus. Odense
1994: Gallery Balle in Copenhagen. - Gallery Dragehøj in Fensmark, Denmark.-
Gallery Silice (Solo exhibition) in Luxemburg.
1992: "Contemporary Crystal and Glass Sculptures etc.", Liège, Belgium.- Gallery Gl. Lejre (Solo exhibition).
1991: "Configura" in Erfurt in Germany.
1990: "Art in The Mosede Fort" in Greve, DK.-"Expressive People" in Nykøbing S.
1989: "Glass from Denmark" at The Domin Gallery in Karst , Germany. - "Danish Applied Art" at The Nicolai Church in Copenhagen.
1988: "Jars" at The Ridehuset , Aarhus. - Gallery L. Hamburg.- Gallery Umbra (Solo exhibition) in Lund, Sweden. –
1987: "Glass/ Clay" at The Aarhus Artbuilding. –
1986: Gallery Hafendam in Flensburg in Germany. - "Dimensions of Glass" at the Gallery St. Agnes in Roskilde.
1985: The Danish Museum of Applied Art in Copenhagen. –
1983-93: Autumn Exhibition at Charlottenborg,The Danish Academy of Art. –
1983-87: Kanazawa City Exhibition in Japan. –
1982-85: The Museum of Glass in Frauenau in Germany. –
1981: Ribe Museum of Art. - 1980: Danish Design Cavalcade. –
1979: Trelleborg Museum in Sweden. - 1979-80-81-83: K.P. Exhibition in Aarhus. –
1979- 80-93: Spring Exhibition at Charlottenborg,The Danish Academy of Art. –
1979: Haderslev Museum. –
1978-81-83-85: Nordic Glass in Sweden, Norway, Finland and Denmark.
Grants / Prices:
The danish National Arts Foundations, among otheres; 3-year stipid, - Ole Haslunds Art Price.- Glass Kanazawa - Glasplastik und Garden, Munster – The Designfoundation, DK – Danish National Bank Jubilee Foundaition – Hempels Glassprize – Danish Craftsman´s Prize, etc.
Represented at:
The Danish Museum of Applied Art in Copenhagen. - Trelleborg Museum in Sweden. - The Glass Museum in Æbeltoft. - Næstved Museum. - Annebergsamlingerne
Gyldendal Copenhagen, - CVU Syd, Vordingborg, - Nordbyskolen, Nykøbing F. -Diskonto Banken in Næstved - Kongelig Brand in Copenhagen - Klostermarken Church, Ringsted (Baptismal font and candlesticks)
“An ecco of light” a personal artistic statement, 2005, - Moderne glas 1890-2000 - Glashaus 1999 & 2000 Düsseldorf – Dansk Kunst 2000 - Neues Glas 1982- 1991 - Objekts One - Skala 1987 - Applied Art, Norway - Umêi a Remesla, Czechoslovakia. 1985